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Our ministries consist of various boards and committees that operate to serve and support the church and its members.

Steward Board

The Steward Board exists to provide spiritual and physical support to the pastor and members of Allen Metropolitan Church. Stewards are the stimulants for the spiritual life of the church and should be present at all services, willing to lead devotion and assist with worship as needed. 


They seek to relieve the needs of distressed members and support and promote all projects and programs of the church.



Trustee Board

The Trustee board works in concert with other officers of the church and pastor for the good of the church. The board takes care of the physical property of church. Trustees are to play a major role in the life of the church, seeking the harmony, safety, and peace of the church and its community. 

Church School

Church School or Sunday School is offered prior to worship service. It is a class room format for teaching and learning basic christian doctrine. Church school is not reserved for children and youth, it is offered to adults as well. The key element of church school is it helps build community with other members, but also offers a chance to ask questions and build a solid christian foundation. 

Music Ministry

Music Ministry serves the purposes of sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ through song, leading the congregation in worship and providing an avenue through which individuals may share their gift and be an integral part of the worship experience. The Music Ministry spreads the Word of God through musical expressions. Our music ministry is always looking for new members. 

Outreach/Community Engagement

Outreach Ministry engages those who are outside the walls of our Church; sharing with them the message and the love of Jesus Christ. We are especially interested in ministering to those who do not define themselves as Christian and to those who do not have a church home, the poor, the marginalized, the incarcerated as well as those that are away from home attending school (Colleges and Universities). 

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